FALLing in Love With Coats

combination parka

I have a thing for parka’s. I think it’s because they really give you that laid-back look, are comfy and still make you look cool. What I particularly love about this Zara parka are the faux leather sleeves and the white fur inside, that will keep you warm during the cold and rainy days…

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Blogs I love!

So, I thought it would be nice to do a ‘Blogs I love’ post. As I mentioned in my ‘About Me’, there are many things and people that inspire me, well the bloggers mentioned in this post are definitely among them.

Now it is not a ‘top ten’ or something, because I think they are all really good in their own way, but it’s just blogs that I really enjoy reading because of different reasons; their fashion sense, their style, their photography, their writings, but mostly because we share the same interests and our love for fashion.

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